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The product values correspond to a single image and each scene to the  a view that should be rendered.

If you want two images of the same environment, you must buy it twice.  

Example: if you want  two images of the same room, you will have to buy 2x the "Rooms" product. If you have two rooms and want a picture of each, you must buy 2x the "Rooms" product. If you have two rooms and want two images of each, you must buy 4x the "Rooms" product; and so on.


To contract the electronic mockup image rendering service  it is necessary:

  • Sketchup file of the complete interior design;

  • Frame the angles you want to render and save them as "scenes" in the file  (if you don't know how to do this, click here );

  • Specifications of materials and coatings used.

You must submit this material via Dropbox on the checkout page

or by email  for

Pertinent information or observations, such as: files  Interior design PDF; landscaping project  and reference images help to get a result closer to the desired one.   

NOTE:  purchase  the product " Larger Image " as an extra for each image  outside the standard format, informing in which environment and dimensions  desired in the "observations" field.  

Can't find an environment that fits what you need?  Click here and get in touch  which we will quickly add with a proposal for you!

Product prices may change without notice

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